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Essential Front-end Web Development




4 Weeks

About the Course

Front-end development targets the browser facing component of a web application. Focusing on HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript, frontend development is all about creating the same great web experiences across different platforms and devices.

After working on several examples, you will get a good understanding of how modern websites are built and maintained.

<html> <body> Hello HTML! </body> </html>


0. Initial HTML

  • What is HTML?

  • Basic HTML document

  • Body & anchor elements

  • Viewing the webpage in the Browser

  • Browser Developer Tools

  • Formatting elements

  • Creating Forms

  • Adding content

  • Adding images

1. Cascading Stylesheets

  • Internal stylesheet

  • External Stylesheet

  • Inline Style

2. Introduction to JavaScript

  • What is JavaScript

  • Features of JavaScript

  • JavaScript in HTML page

  • Core JavaScript syntax

  • Working in the console

  • Arrays, Numbers & Strings

3. Understanding Document Object Model (DOM)

  • What is DOM

  • The DOM, Nodes and Objects

  • Accessing DOM elements

4. Applications of JavaScript in Web apps

  • Events and Event Listeners

  • Handling Events with JavaScript

  • JavaScript Libraries

5. Introduction to Bootstrap

  • Adding Bootstrap

  • How Bootstrap works

  • Creating a Form

6. Misc

  • Introduction to jQuery

  • XMLHttpRequest Objects

  • RESTful Web Services

Having a basic knowledge of JavaScript and CSS helps you puts things in perspective, make sense of many JS & CSS frameworks and generally understand next steps in Web development.

#html #css #javascript #frontend

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