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Essential Java SE Programming




4 Weeks

About the Course

This course will cover the basic knowledge needed for writing Java programs. Participants will write, compile and execute Java programs, with special emphasis on basics, programming techniques and key practices of object-oriented programming. The learners in this course will write, compile and execute Java programs using both command-line interface (CLI) or an IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ or VS Code).

System.out.println("Hello Java");


0. Java Environment and Tools

  • Installing the JDK

  • Configuring IDE

  • Creating a project

  • Running the project and inspecting output

1. Hello Java

  • The main() method

  • Variables

  • Statements Note: statements describe all activities of a program; statements appear inside methods and classes.

  • Expressions Note: Expressions produce values; an expression is evaluated to produce a result that is to be used as part of another expression or in a statement.

2. Java Language, Hello Again

  • Comments

  • Javadoc comments

  • Variables and Constants Note: In just about every programming language and programs, we have to keep track of many pieces of data, such as marks in an exam, a date of birth, email addresses, position of an image on the screen, current score in a game etc. So we create variables to hold that data. A variable is a container, its you grabbing a little piece of computer memory and giving it a name, so that we can use it while our program is running. We create it, we name it, we put a value in it and we change the value as we need to.

In Java you create a variable like this: Syntax: <data type> <identifier name>; Examples: int myInteger; String myString; char aSingleLetter;
Thus, variables store information that you plan to change and reuse over time. On the other hand, Constants store information that is, well, constant.
  • Statements

  • Expressions

  • Types

  • Operators

  • Arrays

3. Statements and Expressions, Again

  • Control flow statements

    • if/else conditionals

    • switch statements

  • Looping statements

    • do/while statement

    • while statement

    • the for statement

    • the enhanced for loop

  • break/continue

  • Unreachable statements

  • Assignment

  • The null value

  • String type

  • Variable access

  • Method invocation

4. Objects in Java

  • Object creation Note: we look at object creation in detail in a later section

  • The instanceof operator

  • Arrays

  • Types and Classes and Arrays, Oh My!!

5. Classes and Objects

  • Declaring and Instantiating Classes

  • Accessing Fields and Methods

  • Access modifiers preview

  • Methods

    • Local variables

    • Shadowing

    • Argument passing

  • Method overloading

6. Object creation

  • Constructors

  • Working with overloaded constructors

  • Object destruction

  • Wrappers for primitive types

7. Packages

  • Importing classes

  • Custom Packages

  • Member Visibility and Access

  • Compiling with Packages

8. Advanced Class Design

  • Subclassing and Inheritance

  • Interfaces

9. Text

Note: Parsing and formatting text is a large, open-ended topic.

  • Constructing Strings

  • Strings from Objects

  • Comparing Strings

  • Searching

  • String Method Summary

  • Parsing Numbers

  • Tokenizing Text

10. Utilities

  • The java.lang.Math Class

  • Local Dates and Times

  • Comparing and Manipulating Dates and Times

  • Time Zones

  • Parsing and Formatting Dates and Times

  • Parsing Errors

11. Exception handling

  • Exceptions

  • try/catch clause

  • Stack traces

  • The finally clause

  • Throwing exceptions

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