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Essential Python Programming




4 Weeks

About the Course

This essential programming course starts with the basics of writing and running Python scripts, and then takes you to more advanced features such as file operations, error handling and the use of the functionality of Python modules.

Every topic is explained through hands-on examples, so that you learn by coding.

s = Python, Hello there!'



0. Introduction to Python

  • Why Python?

  • Installing Python

  • Executing Python Code

  • Execution model variations

  • General syntax

    • Understanding whitespace in Python

    • Commenting code

    • Assigning values

    • Selecting code with conditionals

  • Debugging Python scripts

1. Data types

  • Basic types: Numerical types of data

  • Basic types: String type

2. Program control flow

  • Conditionals

  • Conditional operator

  • Python loops - the while and for loop

  • Additional controls

3. Python data structures

  • Basic data structures

  • List and tuples

  • Dictionaries

  • Sets

  • List comprehension

4. Functions

  • Defining a function

  • Function arguments

  • Returning function values

  • Standard and named function parameters

  • List of function parameters

  • Keyword arguments

5. Python object-oriented programming

  • Classes and objects

  • Constructor, fields, and methods

  • Inheritance and polymorphism

  • Exception-based error handling

6. String objects

  • Overview of string objects

  • Common string methods

  • Formatting strings

  • Splitting and joining

7. I/O operations

  • Basic file operations

  • Text vs. binary mode

  • Text files

  • Binary files

8. Built-in functions

  • Numeric functions

  • Container functions

9. Modules

  • Using standard modules

  • Creating a module

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