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Web Development - Backend Specialization with Node.js & MongoDB




12 Weeks

About the Course

The goal of this course is to teach learners about backend/server side web application development using Node.js, Express and MongoDB.


Approximately 80 hours of classroom teaching spread over 4 months. Capstone project, to be implemented by participants, is another 80 hours of coding effort.

For information regarding fee and course delivery, please write to us at:


0. JavaScript language

  • JavaScript application scope (browser, server side, mobile development)

  • Working with the console

  • JavaScript versions and implementations

  • Language basics: data types, variables, operators, loops etc

  • JSON, objects and arrays

  • Using JavaScript in browser: DOM Model

1. What is Node.js and Node.js module system

  • Server side coding with Node.js

  • Importing Node.js core modules

  • Importing npm modules

  • Global npm modules and nodemon

2. Asynchronous Node.js, Promises

  • Notion and need of asynchronicity

  • Callback functions

  • Notion of Promises

  • Async/await syntax

  • Handling exceptions

3. Working with the server, HTTP, REST Services

  • HTTP server and response codes

  • Using forms for data uploading

  • REST architecture

  • Implementing CRUD with REST

  • Using fetch() for sending and getting data

4. Accessing API from Browser

  • The query string

  • Browser HTTP requests

5. AXIOS Library, WebSocket

  • GET and POST requests in Axios

  • Using async/await with Axios

  • WebSocket protocol

  • Using WebSocket, comparison with HTTP

6. Application Deployment to Cloud

  • Intro to GitHub and Heroku

  • Version control with git

  • Pushing code to GitHub

  • Deploying your code to Heroku

7. API Auth and security

  • API authentication and security

  • JSON web tokens

  • Express middleware

  • Accepting authentication tokens

  • Logging out

8. MongoDB and Promises

  • MongoDB and NoSQL databases

  • Installation and MongoDB environment

  • Database GUI viewer

  • CRUD operations

  • MongoDB data model

  • Promises

9. Capstone Project.

  • Participants will work on developing a food ordering web application.

  • Project code should be submitted via GitHub

  • Submit the necessary design documents along with the code

10. Miscellaneous Problems and Interview Questions

#frontend #backend #fullstack #nodejs #mongo #mogodb

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