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Web Development - Full Stack Webinar




2 Hours

About the Course

The aim of this short workshop is to explain the paradigm of “Full Stack” in web application development.

This workshop is created to introduce the paradigm of Full Stack web application development work. In this short module we familiarize participants with the basics of web application development, different components of a web based application and what every programmer must know about different issues involved in web development.

We will explain about the different technologies and tools required to succeed in Full Stack development.

For information regarding fee and course delivery, please write to us at:


0. Roadmap

  • Different moving parts of a typical web application

    • Back-end API

    • Front-end UI

  • What does it mean to be a Full Stack developer

    • Back-end specialisation

    • Front-end specialisation

  • Understanding the role of the Full Stack developer

  • Bottom-up vs. Top-down approach - different ways of working on an application

  • What a programmer must know about app Admin tasks

  • Polyglot programming

    • How different technologies are used together to deliver a modern web application

    • Polyglot programming is the future of software application development, and the future is already here!

    • In simple terms, Polyglot programming refers to building applications using one or more special-purpose languages in addition to a general-purpose language.

    • When we build web applications today, we primarily use a general-purpose language (Java, Python etc.), SQL, HTML, CSS and JavaScript (in the form of various libraries).

    • An experienced programmer already is polyglot, without even thinking about it.

    • For example, SQL is so closely entwined into software application development that we take it for granted.

    • The polyglot style of development will continue in the future in different styles!

  • What a customer wants - non-technical skills aka. Soft-skills

    • Written and Verbal communication skills

    • Critical-thinking

    • Problem solving abilities

    • Attention to details

    • Team work

1. Miscellaneous Questions and Answers

#frontend #backend #fullstack

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