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Learning How to Learn to Code

Updated: Apr 14, 2022

As a beginner, learning how to write computer programs is not an easy path.

Going through numerous coding videos and tutorials on the internet, and yet not getting the "hang" of it can be frustrating.

Even after spending many hours on various videos and tutorials, you find that you have made very little progress. Sometimes, you get into some advanced topics prematurely and end up wasting time on topics you weren't even prepared for. Sometime, you spend lot of time trying to fix a bug only to realize after many hours that it was just a silly mistake, such as a missing semicolon in a statement or a wrong variable name, the list of silly mistakes is really an endless one.

Sometimes, the toughest thing as a programming beginner can be gathering the motivation and time for that next learning task and that next coding exercise.

Yet, it is also seen that if learners truly commit themselves then learning to code is worth your time. And the process becomes much more easy, if someone is there to show you where to begin, what resources to use and most importantly help you find solutions when you are stuck with a seemingly "difficult" problem. The right coach or mentor can provide you that breakthrough.

Below are some helpful tips I learnt during my own skill-up process:

Tip #1: Stick to a steady, consistent schedule when learning to code

Without a consistent and disciplined approach, you can't go beyond the "beginner" level. With on-again, off-again efforts you will slowly accumulate the concepts, but you will find that though you know the concepts, you are not really able to use it to write a concrete program. Learning to code is all about learning by doing.

Tip #2: Become comfortable with facing unknown issues and errors

Solving technical issues and errors is part of day-to-day work of a software developer.

A good programmer and engineer is comfortable with facing unknown issues and errors, and solving issues as part of daily work.

As a beginner you will face numerous technical issues and bugs, you must realize that

this is a normal process and happens with every beginner. The main point is to realize that you will never know everything, instead you should train yourself to apply your knowledge and investigative skills to find out the answer every time you face technical challenges.

Tip #3: Focus on learning Key Concepts

Whatever career stream (data science, web development, mobile development etc.) you choose, and whatever language you choose within that track, the key concepts are similar across different streams.

Hence, while learning to code, your focus should be on acquiring key concepts.

While there are many technologies and languages, the key concepts and vocabulary used have similar meaning across all of them. Besides, a good knowledge of key concepts will help you master whatever new technologies may come your way in the future!

Tip #4: Connect with a supportive mentor or coach

We all are born self-learners. It is possible to learn any technology or language on your own.

However, learning with an experienced coach can dramatically reduce the learning cycle from several months to just few weeks.

Also, one can benefit tremendously from the many rich insights of good trainers and coaches.

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