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Which language to learn for tech industry job?

Updated: Apr 1, 2022

Should you learn to code? Yes, of course. In fact, that is not the question today, rather the question is which language to pick first?

In today's world, be it industry, business, academics or our own households, everything we interact with has some element of computers, software or technology in different forms. As a result the software or tech industry is huge today and has created millions of jobs.

There are many possible pathways of entry into the industry. However, understanding computer programs and learning to write programs is the most recommended starting point. Before you choose a particular domain (eg. mobile apps, web apps, data analysis etc.) in the big tech industry, you should choose a programming language and learn it.

Programming Languages and Key Concepts

Writing programs (also known as coding) is a skill that takes time to acquire. However, many times your past skill sets, lessons learnt in the past actually help you in learning how to code.

As you know there are many languages, such as Python, Java, C++, JavaScript, C#, Ruby etc. Also, newer languages such as Go lang, Kotlin are becoming mainstream as well. While there are many computer programming languages, and new languages keep popping up, most of the concepts mean the same across all of them.

A variable in Java, for instance, is the same as a variable in Python. Once you have learned well the concepts from one language, it becomes easier to learn other languages. Just the syntax will be different.

Another concept common across all languages is that of "Loops". Loop is an informal term that refers to any kind of repetition – any control structure that causes a program to repeatedly execute a block of code based on specific condition.

You can start learning a language without having to pick a domain/career. Java and Python are popular languages to begin with. There is no one language that is better to learn over the other, however Python and Java is currently more popular pick among beginners.

Remember to learn the main concepts out of learning any language you pick. Learn the key concepts like, variables, control structures, loops, decision statements, functions etc.

That will help you make a start in further technologies, such as web development, mobile development, data analysis etc.

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