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What are Input Devices, their advantages and disadvantages?

In this blog article, we talk about Input devices, their advantages and disadvantages.

Input Devices

Input devices are hardware components that allow users to interact with a computer system.

Input devices enable the user to input data or commands into the system, which the computer then processes to produce an output.

Types of Input Devices:

  1. Keyboard device (very easy and common method).

  2. Numeric keypad (used in ATM machines and other PIN based machines, e.g., point of sale credit card machines).

  3. Mouse (pointing device).

  4. Remote control (TV, fan, ACs, hi-fi multimedia systems remotes)

  5. Joystick/Driving wheel (pointing devices).

  6. Trackball (pointing device).

  7. Touchscreen (smartphones and tablets).

  8. Scanner (to scan paper documents and photographs and convert them to digital form).

  9. Digital camera.

  10. Microphone.

  11. Analogue sensors.

  12. Light pen

Input Devices: Advantages & Disadvantages

Input Device




  • Easy method of entering data

  • Very common

  • Can cause Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)

  • Slow to enter data (compared to direct data entry)

Numeric keypad

  • Fast

  • Easy to use

  • Buttons on some devices are small, hence some users can press wrong buttons

  • Button layout changes based on the device

Mouse (pointing device)

  • Intuitive and precise control

  • Fast to make on-screen choices

  • RSI (strain on wrist)

  • Requires flat surface

  • People with disabilities find them difficult to use

Joystick/Driving wheel (pointing devices)

  • Enhances gameplay/simulation experience

  • Improves realism

  • Accurate

  • Expensive

  • Limited use outside of gaming and simulators

Remote control (TVs, Hi-fi systems)

  • Easy to use

  • Can control from a distance

  • May require line-of-sight

  • Can be easily lost

  • Requires regular battery replacement

Touchscreen (smartphones and tablets)

  • Intuitive

  • No need of a separate pointing device

  • Easy to keep clean

  • Can get easily scratched

  • Less precise than a mouse

  • Prone to damage by accidental fall

Scanner (convert paper documents to electronic)

  • Accurate reproduction of documents

  • Enables documents to be shared and stored easily

  • Can be used as direct data entry

  • Quality depends on the resolution of the scanning device

  • Higher resolution gives better quality, but scanning can be slow

Digital camera (taking photos and videos)

  • Can capture vast amounts of data

  • Easy to share and store

  • Image or video compression at time of storage can lead to loss of quality

  • Need to the tech-savvy to use effectively

Microphone (speech input)

  • Hands-free input

  • Fast

  • Can be used for voice-recognition

  • Verbal inputs can be inaccurate

  • Quality may vary

  • Need to remember phrases or keywords for commands

Analogue sensors (Measure physical parameters in an environment, e.g., temperature, sound, humidity, light)

  • Provides real-time data and fairly accurate

  • Automatic

  • Can collect data from environments which are harmful to human life

  • Sensors require calibration

  • Data must be converted from analogue to digital (ADC)

  • Data needs to be checked for accuracy

Light pen (select or write on screen)

  • Easy to use; small and lightweight

  • Accuracy for fine details

  • Only works on CRT screens

  • Lag

  • Dated technology

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