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Why learn C programming?

Updated: Mar 10

In this blog article, we talk about C programming and its history.

When we write a program in C and run it on a computer, we tell the computer what to do, and the computer executes the exact instructions we have written in the program. Thus, a C program is a set of instructions written for a computer to follow.

Do you remember giving someone instructions on how to do something? Maybe you showed your friend how to make a dish by following a recipe. Well, that's very similar to writing programs in C.

History of C programming:

In the early days of computers, software was created using different programming languages for different computer platforms. This caused lot of problems because the same software would be re-written in multiple languages.

In the early 1970s, Dennis Ritchie created C programming language. C was designed to be used on different types of computers and the goal was to simplify writing programs. This design criteria meant that C could be easily moved from one computer platform to another without having to be rewritten.

Many influential software developers began using C to write new programs; thus, C quickly became popular in the software industry. C became even more popular in the 1980s, when the UNIX operating system was developed using the C language.

Today, C is still top language for all kinds of software, from embedded software to large-scale high-performance applications. It has also inspired development of other programming languages based on C, such as C++ and Objective-C.

Many other popular programming languages, such as Java and Python, are based on C. By learning C, you can gain an understanding of programming concepts and syntax that will make it easier to learn these other languages.

Many of the large applications written in C continue to be used and will continue for many decades. Also, many new applications are also being developed in C, because C is a high-performance language.

Thus, learning C language remains a rewarding experience and C language skill is still highly valued in the software market.

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